
I didn’t remember until just now that Joni and Neal are no longer on Spotify. So here is “River” on Soundcloud. Perhaps you should just buy Blue as a Christmas gift to yourself. It’s worth it.

You know I love Reverend Al Green, but the Talking Heads have a version of “Take Me to the River” that’s great in its own right. Darker.

It’s been a tough day. Pedalled to the Questura (again) in the rain. Stupidly, I brought my camera. I say that because the sanpietrini become really slick and it’s impossible to stay upright on a bike. I didn’t wipe out, but it was stressful.

Working in B+W is tougher than it looks, but it’s teaching me about light and gradients of color, tone and brightness. Stayed up too late playing with it. I’m burned. Later. . .

Rome, Centro. December 2022

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Joni Mitchell

Joni Mitchell