• I love to travel, but I hate long flights, particularly this one. It's become so dehumanising and full of paranoia and ranking behaviour. "Oh, you didn't pay the extra €35? You're in Group C, oh, no, sorry. . . D. Back of the line, old man." I really hate it.

    September 10, 2023

    | Simple Minds : Don't You (Forget About Me)

    | George & Tammy : We're Not the Jet Set

  • Jumping train cars snuck by me in the last session in the person of Grace Jones. So we're going to play on that name at least one more time, because soon enough you will be Jones-ing for another post from me. Try to manage.

    September 8, 2023

    | The Psychedelic Furs : Mr. Jones (Single Version)

    | Maria Bamford: "Why does everything have to be so good?"

  • I know you can tell that I got a little lazy on this post, but it's a good kind of lazy. Continuing by jumping train car to carriage, I got stuck on the thoughtful man in the previous post, covered in roses. And remembered this photo. . .

    September 6, 2023

    | Édith Piaf : La vie en rose

    | Grace Jones : La Vie En Rose

  • What say we just sit back and relax for a while. Listen to a slow jam, chill, chat. Oh, boy. Another frantic Monday.

    September 4, 2023

    | Billy Paul : Me and Mrs. Jones

    | The Script You're Following Is Not Your Own

  • On 23 July, in Madison, Wisconsin, USA, a man named Nicholas Hitchon died. He was 65. Mr. Hitchon was one of a group of school children who, in 1964, began to participate in what would become known as the Up Series.

    September 2, 2023

    | Counting Crows : Mr. Jones

    | 63 UP Official Trailer (HD) Britbox Documentary

  • This series has been fun and a real adventure, with a little help from my friends, whom I shouldn't tolerate as much as I do, but I love too much to curb. Next month, I'm going to scale back a bit. Get an RSS Feed. Ecce Amor Homo Fati.

    August 31, 2023


    | Martin & Lewis : That's Amore

  • It's finally the Super Blue Moon, y'all, the bookend to the beginning of this chapter, when the moon is, once again, at its perigee. The next time this will happen is in nine years, August of 2032. Think about that. Where will we be then?

    August 30, 2023

    | Yello : Moon On Ice (feat. Billy Mackenzie)

    | AIR : La Femme d'Argent (Studio Atlas Version)

  • Boy, I'm beat and sleepy, with "Nothing to say but what a day how's your boy been?"

    I can manage one note, though: I cannot find this mix of "One Day" anywhere but YouTube. NB: I changed the version of "Desert Night". I like the album version better.

    August 29, 2023

    | RÜFÜS DU SOL : Desert Night

    | Bjork + Sabres of Paradise : One Day

  • I don't think this post is particularly exciting, but thematically it's solid. Sometimes things are just what they are, and after spending too long between lines, that's a relief. Do you see the danger? Cycle safely, friends.

    August 28, 2023

    | Boards of Canada : Happy Cycling

    | Boards of Canada : Everything You Do is a Balloon