Bonjour, Fred

Let this post card serve as my genuine wish for a happy XXV, and a year of good memories. It’s the best I could find in the tourist shops, but you have to admit that it’s clever. I’m sure you’ll chuckle as the postmen gnash their teeth.

I ghosted, yeah. For days, I had “Let them wash / your rock’n’roll hair” spinning on my mind’s turntable, and I thought, nah, I like my r’n’r hairs just like they are. Chuck it. So I ditched the posse and struck out on my own. I’ve been traveling solo ever since. Flight or fight, I’m down with the Boeing.

Well, a few more years and you’ll be a proper Mokumer. I look forward to seeing you then. Meanwhile, if you need anything, let me know.


Leslie Winer : Hold on Postcards

Go slowly all the way round the outside.

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Fred Yaké
55 Gansevoort St #2
New York, NY 10014

Fred Yaké
55 Gansevoort St #2
New York, NY 10014

